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Index Entry  Section

# can only be on the input side error: Error messages
#line: Input File Grammar

-disasm.i output file: VM disassembler
-gen.i output file: VM code generation
-h, command-line option: Invoking Vmgen
–help, command-line option: Invoking Vmgen
-labels.i output file: VM instruction table
-peephole.i output file: Peephole optimization
-profile.i output file: VM profiler
-v, command-line option: Invoking Vmgen
–version, command-line option: Invoking Vmgen
-vm.i output file: VM engine

\C: Input File Grammar
\E: Eval escapes

accessing stack (pointer): C Code restrictions
advantages of interpreters: Why interpreters?
advantages of vmgen: Why interpreters?
assumptions about C code: C Code restrictions

basic block, VM level: C Code Macros
basic type of a stack: Simple instructions
BB_BOUNDARY in profiling: VM profiler
branch instruction, VM: Front end and VM interpreter

C code restrictions: C Code restrictions
C escape: Input File Grammar
casts example: Example overview
casts in type cast macros: VM engine
Changes from old versions: Changes
code generation, VM: VM code generation
conditional compilation of Vmgen output: Input File Grammar

default stack of a type prefix: Simple instructions
defining a stack: Simple instructions
defining superinstructions: Superinstructions
disasm.c: VM disassembler
disassembler, VM code: VM disassembler
Dispatch of VM instructions: Dispatch

effect, stack: Simple instructions
efficiency features overview: Introduction
eliminating stack stores: Store Optimization
engine: VM engine
engine.c: VM engine
error messages: Error messages
escape to Forth: Eval escapes
eval escape: Eval escapes
example files: Example overview
example of a Vmgen-based interpreter: Example
example overview: Example overview
executing VM code: VM engine
explicit stack access: Explicit stack access

FDL, GNU Free Documentation License: GNU Free Documentation License
format, input file: Input File Format
free-format, not: Input File Grammar
front-end: Front end and VM interpreter
functionality features overview: Introduction
future ideas: The future

garbage collection: Data handling
generated code, usage: Using the generated code
grammar, input file: Input File Grammar

hints: Hints

immediate argument, VM instruction: Front end and VM interpreter
immediate arguments: Data handling
immediate arguments, VM code generation: VM code generation
IMM_ARG: VM engine
include-skipped-insts: Superinstructions
input file format: Input File Format
input file grammar: Input File Grammar
instruction pointer definition: VM engine
instruction pointer, access: C Code restrictions
instruction stream: Data handling
instruction stream: Simple instructions
instruction stream, basic type: VM engine
instruction table: VM instruction table
instruction, simple VM: Simple instructions
instruction, VM: Front end and VM interpreter
interpreters, advantages: Why interpreters?
Invoking Vmgen: Invoking Vmgen
IP, IPTOS in disassmbler: VM disassembler

labels for threaded code: VM instruction table

macros recognized by Vmgen: C Code Macros
main interpreter loop: Dispatch
modularization of interpreters: Front end and VM interpreter

newlines, significance in syntax: Input File Grammar

opcode definition: VM instruction table
opcode, VM instruction: Front end and VM interpreter
optimization, stack stores: Store Optimization

peephole optimization: Peephole optimization
peephole.c: Peephole optimization
prefix for this combination must be defined earlier error: Error messages
prefix, stack: Simple instructions
prefix, type: Simple instructions
prefixes of superinstructions: Superinstructions
profile.c: VM profiler
profiling example: Using profiling to create superinstructions
profiling for selecting superinstructions: VM profiler

reference counting: Data handling
register machine: Data handling
Register VM: Register Machines
register, VM: Front end and VM interpreter
restrictions on C code: C Code restrictions

seq2rule.awk: VM profiler
simple VM instruction: Simple instructions
size, stack items: Data handling
speed for JVM: Introduction
speed of interpreters: Why interpreters?
stack access, explicit: Explicit stack access
stack basic type: Simple instructions
stack caching: VM engine
stack caching, restriction on C code: C Code restrictions
stack definition: Simple instructions
stack effect: Simple instructions
stack growth direction: Stack growth direction
stack item size: Data handling
stack machine: Data handling
Stack pointer access: Explicit stack access
stack pointer definition: VM engine
stack pointer, access: C Code restrictions
stack prefix: Simple instructions
stack stores, optimization: Store Optimization
stack-access-transform: Stack growth direction
stat.awk: VM profiler
store optimization: Store Optimization
superinstructions and profiling: VM profiler
superinstructions and tracing: VM engine
superinstructions example: Using profiling to create superinstructions
Superinstructions for register VMs: Register Machines
superinstructions, defining: Superinstructions
superinstructions, generating: Peephole optimization
superinstructions, restrictions on components: C Code restrictions
SUPER_END in profiling: VM profiler
switch dispatch: Dispatch
sync line syntax error: Error messages
sync lines: Input File Grammar
syntax error, wrong char error: Error messages

TAIL;, changes: Changes
threaded code: Dispatch
too many stacks error: Error messages
top of stack caching: VM engine
TOS: VM engine
tracing of register VMs: Register Machines
tracing VM code: VM engine
type cast macro: VM engine
type casting between floats and integers: VM engine
type of a stack, basic: Simple instructions
type prefix: Simple instructions

unions example: Example overview
unions in type cast macros: VM engine
unknown prefix error: Error messages
unknown primitive error: Error messages
Using vmgen-erated code: Using the generated code

virtual machine: Front end and VM interpreter
VM: Front end and VM interpreter
VM branch instruction: Front end and VM interpreter
VM code generation: VM code generation
VM disassembler: VM disassembler
VM instruction: Front end and VM interpreter
VM instruction execution: VM engine
VM profiler: VM profiler
VM register: Front end and VM interpreter
vmgen-ex: Example overview
vmgen-ex2: Example overview
vm_A2B, changes: Changes
VM_IS_INST in profiling: VM profiler
vm_prim, definition: VM instruction table
vm_prim, use: VM code generation
vm_twoA2B, changes: Changes

wrapper files: Example overview

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