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5.2 Using profiling to create superinstructions

I have not added rules for this in the Makefile (there are many options for selecting superinstructions, and I did not want to hardcode one into the Makefile), but there are some supporting scripts, and here’s an example:

Suppose you want to use and as training programs, you get the profiles like this:

make #takes a few seconds

You can aggregate these profiles with stat.awk:

awk -f stat.awk

The result contains lines like:

      2      16        36910041 loadlocal lit

This means that the sequence loadlocal lit statically occurs a total of 16 times in 2 profiles, with a dynamic execution count of 36910041.

The numbers can be used in various ways to select superinstructions. E.g., if you just want to select all sequences with a dynamic execution count exceeding 10000, you would use the following pipeline:

awk -f stat.awk|
awk '$3>=10000'|                #select sequences
fgrep -v -f peephole-blacklist| #eliminate wrong instructions
awk -f seq2rule.awk|  #transform sequences into superinstruction rules
sort -k 3 >mini-super.vmg       #sort sequences

The file peephole-blacklist contains all instructions that directly access a stack or stack pointer (for mini: call, return); the sort step is necessary to ensure that prefixes precede larger superinstructions.

Now you can create a version of mini with superinstructions by just saying ‘make