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10 The future

We have a number of ideas for future versions of Vmgen. However, there are so many possible things to do that we would like some feedback from you. What are you doing with Vmgen, what features are you missing, and why?

One idea we are thinking about is to generate just one .c file instead of letting you copy and adapt all the wrapper files (you would still have to define stuff like the type-specific macros, and stack pointers etc. somewhere). The advantage would be that, if we change the wrapper files between versions, you would not need to integrate your changes and our changes to them; Vmgen would also be easier to use for beginners. The main disadvantage of that is that it would reduce the flexibility of Vmgen a little (well, those who like flexibility could still patch the resulting .c file, like they are now doing for the wrapper files). In any case, if you are doing things to the wrapper files that would cause problems in a generated-.c-file approach, please let us know.