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6.5 Register Machines

If you want to implement a register VM rather than a stack VM with Vmgen, there are two ways to do it: Directly and through superinstructions.

If you use the direct way, you define instructions that take the register numbers as immediate arguments, like this:

add3 ( #src1 #src2 #dest -- )
reg[dest] = reg[src1]+reg[src2];

A disadvantage of this method is that during tracing you only see the register numbers, but not the register contents. Actually, with an appropriate definition of printarg_src (see VM engine), you can print the values of the source registers on entry, but you cannot print the value of the destination register on exit.

If you use superinstructions to define a register VM, you define simple instructions that use a stack, and then define superinstructions that have no overall stack effect, like this:

loadreg ( #src -- n )
n = reg[src];

storereg ( n #dest -- )
reg[dest] = n;

adds ( n1 n2 -- n )
n = n1+n2;

add3 = loadreg loadreg adds storereg

An advantage of this method is that you see the values and not just the register numbers in tracing. A disadvantage of this method is that currently you cannot generate superinstructions directly, but only through generating a sequence of simple instructions (we might change this in the future if there is demand).

Could the register VM support be improved, apart from the issues mentioned above? It is hard to see how to do it in a general way, because there are a number of different designs that different people mean when they use the term register machine in connection with VM interpreters. However, if you have ideas or requests in that direction, please let me know (see Contact).

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