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6.2.4 Stack growth direction

By default, the stacks grow towards lower addresses. You can change this for a stack by setting the stack-access-transform field of the stack to an xt ( itemnum -- index ) that performs the appropriate index transformation.

E.g., if you want to let data-stack grow towards higher addresses, with the stack pointer always pointing just beyond the top-of-stack, use this right after defining data-stack:

\E : sp-access-transform ( itemnum -- index ) negate 1- ;
\E ' sp-access-transform ' data-stack >body stack-access-transform !

This means that sp-access-transform will be used to generate indexes for accessing data-stack. The definition of sp-access-transform above transforms n into -n-1, e.g, 1 into -2. This will access the 0th data-stack element (top-of-stack) at sp[-1], the 1st at sp[-2], etc., which is the typical way upward-growing stacks are used. If you need a different transform and do not know enough Forth to program it, let me know.