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6.2.2 C Code Macros

Vmgen recognizes the following strings in the C code part of simple instructions:


As far as Vmgen is concerned, a VM instruction containing this ends a VM basic block (used in profiling to delimit profiled sequences). On the C level, this also sets the instruction pointer.


This ends a basic block (for profiling), even if the instruction contains no SET_IP.


Vmgen replaces ‘INST_TAIL;’ with code for ending a VM instruction and dispatching the next VM instruction. Even without a ‘INST_TAIL;’ this happens automatically when control reaches the end of the C code. If you want to have this in the middle of the C code, you need to use ‘INST_TAIL;’. A typical example is a conditional VM branch:

if (branch_condition) {
  SET_IP(target); INST_TAIL;
/* implicit tail follows here */

In this example, ‘INST_TAIL;’ is not strictly necessary, because there is another one implicitly after the if-statement, but using it improves branch prediction accuracy slightly and allows other optimizations.


This indicates that the implicit tail at the end of the VM instruction dispatches the sequentially next VM instruction even if there is a SET_IP in the VM instruction. This enables an optimization that is not yet implemented in the vmgen-ex code (but in Gforth). The typical application is in conditional VM branches:

if (branch_condition) {
  SET_IP(target); INST_TAIL; /* now this INST_TAIL is necessary */

Note that Vmgen is not smart about C-level tokenization, comments, strings, or conditional compilation, so it will interpret even a commented-out SUPER_END as ending a basic block (or, e.g., ‘RESET_IP;’ as ‘SET_IP;’). Conversely, Vmgen requires the literal presence of these strings; Vmgen will not see them if they are hiding in a C preprocessor macro.

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