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6.2 Simple instructions

We will use the following simple VM instruction description as example:

sub ( i1 i2 -- i )
i = i1-i2;

The first line specifies the name of the VM instruction (sub) and its stack effect (i1 i2 -- i). The rest of the description is just plain C code.

The stack effect specifies that sub pulls two integers from the data stack and puts them in the C variables i1 and i2 (with the rightmost item (i2) taken from the top of stack; intuition: if you push i1, then i2 on the stack, the resulting stack picture is i1 i2) and later pushes one integer (i) on the data stack (the rightmost item is on the top afterwards).

How do we know the type and stack of the stack items? Vmgen uses prefixes, similar to Fortran; in contrast to Fortran, you have to define the prefix first:

\E s" Cell"   single data-stack type-prefix i

This defines the prefix i to refer to the type Cell (defined as long in mini.h) and, by default, to the data-stack. It also specifies that this type takes one stack item (single). The type prefix is part of the variable name.

Before we can use data-stack in this way, we have to define it:

\E stack data-stack sp Cell

This line defines the stack data-stack, which uses the stack pointer sp, and each item has the basic type Cell; other types have to fit into one or two Cells (depending on whether the type is single or double wide), and are cast from and to Cells on accessing the data-stack with type cast macros (see VM engine). By default, stacks grow towards lower addresses in Vmgen-erated interpreters (see Stack growth direction).

We can override the default stack of a stack item by using a stack prefix. E.g., consider the following instruction:

lit ( #i -- i )

The VM instruction lit takes the item i from the instruction stream (indicated by the prefix #), and pushes it on the (default) data stack. The stack prefix is not part of the variable name. Stack prefixes are defined like this:

\E inst-stream stack-prefix #
\E data-stack  stack-prefix S:

This definition defines that the stack prefix # specifies the “stack” inst-stream. Since the instruction stream behaves a little differently than an ordinary stack, it is predefined, and you do not need to define it.

The instruction stream contains instructions and their immediate arguments, so specifying that an argument comes from the instruction stream indicates an immediate argument. Of course, instruction stream arguments can only appear to the left of -- in the stack effect. If there are multiple instruction stream arguments, the leftmost is the first one (just as the intuition suggests).

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