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17.1.1 actor methods:

caller-w ( – optr  ) minos2 “caller-w”

pointer back to the widget embedding the actor

active-w ( – optr  ) minos2 “active-w”

pointer to the active subwidget embedding the actor

act-name$ ( – addr u  ) minos2 “act-name-string”

Debugging aid: name of the actor

clicked ( rx ry bmask n –  ) minos2 “clicked”

processed clicks

scrolled ( axis dir –  ) minos2 “scrolled”

process scrolling

touchdown ( $rxy*n bmask –  ) minos2 “touchdown”

raw click down

touchup ( $rxy*n bmask –  ) minos2 “touchup”

raw click up

ukeyed ( addr u –  ) minos2 “ukeyed”

key event, string of printable unicode characters

ekeyed ( ekey –  ) minos2 “ekeyed”

key event, non-printable key

?inside ( rx ry – act / 0  ) minos2 “query-inside”

check if coordinates are inside the widget

focus ( ) minos2 “focus”

put widget into focus

defocus ( ) minos2 “defocus”

put widget out of focus

entered ( ) minos2 “entered”

react on cursor entering the widget area

left ( ) minos2 “left”

react on cursor leaving the widget area

show ( ) minos2 “show”

widget is shown

hide ( ) minos2 “hide”

widget is hidden

get ( – something  ) minos2 “get”

getter for the value behind the widget

set ( something –  ) minos2 “set”

setter for the value behind the widget

show-you ( ) minos2 “show-you”

make widget visible

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